Life has been rather busy the last few weeks and I have not been posting my assignments- or anything else for that matter. I am hoping to catch up on the assignments and maybe even post a little about life here in the next week while we have a little down time.
This week it’s seriously going to be just fun. This week share your favourite candies. Have fun with this… and you’re welcome to post a photo of YOU eating your favourite candy. Haha!
God’s Word is also like sweetness to our souls. His sweet love, forgiveness, comfort, peace, and more is what makes our lives seem a little more bearable when things get rough. Whenever you eat your sweet piece of goodness remember that God loves you and will always be there when life seems sour.
Share a scripture for this week as well. One that lifts you up when you’re feeling discouraged.
I would have to say that my favorite candies are:Jelly belly jelly beans, candy corn and dark chocolate. I just started eating chocolate again after not eating it for almost 3 years (long personal story why) and have found that I have become rather picky in my chocolate. Stuff like the typical Butterfinger or M&M's wont do it for me. I like it nice and dark. Trader Joe's has a dark chocolate bar that I use to buy that was really good and I can't wait to go there soon and get myself one.
The past couple of years, with Dan's worker's comp situation and being unable to work, I have relied a *lot* on the scriptures that talk about God's provision and promises to take care of us. One in particular that I studied for a short time is:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
Waiting in the dark for God to show you the next step, seems to be a large part of the Christian life.
Seems appropriate that you love dark chocolate. ;-)
My meme assignment today is over at my WordPress blog, www.countdown2college.net/blog
Mmmm, Trader Joe's chocolate. Very nice. (((hugs))) to your situation. It is so true we should not lean into our own understanding, although I find that to be a struggle~ stubborn human I am :P
I don't eat sweets anymore although i like chocolate, lol.
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