My name is Kate and I am 32 (for two more months at least! I have been married to my husband Dan for 11 years next month. We have six children (11g, 9g. 7g, 5b, 3b, 1.5b) and one on the way due sometime after the new year.
I have been homeschooling my clan ever since day one. We kindof came to the decision to homeschool about the same time we also gave up our family planning to God. I was on a wonderful list that discussing the biblical reasons for homeschooling, quiverful, courtship, etc. and it helped us to really cement what we believe on the issues (nothing is mandated in the Bible, but we have our personal believes we have been led to through scripture).
The last three years my family has been through a trial that is continuing to stretch us. In Nov. of 05 my husband fell at work and herniated one of the discs in his lower back. After a year of paying him partial wages and trying to find him affective treatment, his company declared he had reached maximum improvement and they cut off his pay.
For the past two years we have been living without any income. The first year we survived on whatever came through for us, this last year we have been using the little bit of money Dan had in his 401K. Monday we cashed out the last of his 401K and are now on empty.
My mom has been telling me how much faith it takes to live like we have been and I kept telling her that I didn't consider it a test of faith because we still had the 401K to fall back on. Now God is stretching us past my comfort zone. Through it all so far he has continued to provide and I don't doubt he will continue to do so- no matter how at ease I am with the situation.
Currently Dan is trying to start a cheesecake business as a way of bringing in some money. I am trying to take care of six children and a house and all that goes with it.
Wow, what a great testimony to God's faithfullness. I look forward to getting to know you throught Homeschool Memoirs.
Whoa! That took me back a bit. 6 children; no (that you can see right now) income. God will certainly be your rock through this. You seem OK with it. Praise God for your calm acceptance in this storm of life. '
My DD is 32, like you, and has 6 children (homeschooling) like you:
9, 7, 5, 3, 1, newborn.
aha! I can definitely understand this;) And see that you can definitely understand what I was saying:)
God is soooo good!
I admire your faith in the midst of this storm. I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts this year!
What a great family! :) I am Jacque Dixon's oldest daughter! I have been over here a couple of times and look forward to reading more of your Homeschool Memoirs! You have a very wonderful family. I enjoyed reading about them!
I will be praying for you as you go through this rough time. I hope your husband's cheesecake business takes off! :) God is your provider! amen!
Prayers and Blessings,
Miss Amanda
Kate I have found that when we are in need and just release it all to God that He comes through everytime! I have no doubt he will see your family through this and what a testimony you will have (and you already have).
Hmmmm...a cheesecake business. Sounds yummy!
So much for those who say choosing Christ is a "crutch and only for weaklings." Isn't learning to rely on God's promises such an adventure? God can and WILL provide. Thanks for sharing.
Many Blessings,
Great to learn more about you! You definitely are an encouragement!
God bless your year!
Hi Kate. I feel the pain and fear in your post and I will say prayers for your family. My MIL fell at work about three years ago and immediately went through Workman's Comp to receive paychecks until the ordeal is over. Have you tried that route? The amount probably won't be what he was originally making, but it may help to alleviate some financial burden for you. Workmans Comp is not easy to work with and you have to stay on them constantly, but having that money come in is a relief.
I hope his cheesecake business does really well! I make cheesecakes myself, but just for fun. Will he ship them to other places or is he doing this locally?
Your story has really touched me and I would like to get to know you and your family better. Please email me: armstrong15@windstream.net.
Here's my link: http://cherry-soup.blogspot.com/
Nice to meet you Kate. What an amazing testimony. Godd is so good all the time. Saying a prayer He will continue to keep your faith strong and that your husband's business will take off.
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