I only have ten minutes till I told Danny I would be off of here and upstairs to see him. I have been gone all day (well, I got home with enough time to put groceries away and heat up dinner) and haven't had any time with him. It is however Thursday and I wanted to get my list made.
1) I just spent a few hours with a good friend who I don't see often enough. I had a really good visit and am thinking of asking her to do a Bible study with me so we have an excuse to get together more often and so something really edifying comes out of our visits (not that we don't enjoy our time together, its just we could get even more out of it).
2) I am thankful for my oldest, Charlotte, who came with me today and watched Benjamin and my friend's 2yo daughter so we could visit without chasing children around.
3) For Danny who watched the other four here at home while I was gone.
4) For the progress Danny has had in his therapy and weight loss. He has been so consistent with going to therapy and that is the hard part for so many people.
5) That God has provided the gas money for us to get Danny to therapy and to get to church on Sundays, etc.
6) For the 401K money Danny put away the first seven years of his career. It wont be there for retirement, but it is supplying for our needs right now when we need it.
7) For our daughters' generosity- Charlotte (10) gave me her bank so we could pay bills with her money. Anytime we go to Aldis, the girls look for change on the ground and have recently been offering it to me to help with the bills.
8) Our new furnace- we applied for some assistance from the county to help weatherize our home. They gave us a furnace, more insulation in the attic, cleaned our gutters and a few other items.
9) The growth I see in my older two. We have had good talks with both of them this week about accountability and not letting Satan pull them into trouble. They are growing in their walks!
10) For the staff at our church and all the lay people who are involved in the ministry. We go to a great church and the people there are wonderful.
11) Warmth; its gonna be really cold out the next few days and I am so grateful for the fact that we are warm and snug in our home (see no. 8)
12) We have started making it a habit to have some real family time each week-playing board games or whatever, its been fun.
13) God's tremendous blessings. Even though we have a lot less then most people, we still have *so* much and God has blessed us incredibly.