This time our assignment is to write out some goals for the new year. These goals can include both personal goals as well as goals for the family. We also should include some sort of reward that goes along with the goals.
Personal goals-
Walk on the treadmill- I mentioned this in my post yesterday, but I want to get off my walking break and get back to my routine. I had been doing a minimum of 5 miles a week since mid August and took a break for the holidays. The reward is that I will feel better and I will reach my goal (I have a tracker on the side of my blog that helps keep me motivated.
Do more in depth Bible study- I borrowed a book from the library by Lisa Whechel titled The Busy Mom's Guide to Bible Study. It seems to go over a lot of the same principles of Bible study that Dan learned in his Biblical Interpretation class. I am hoping it will help me sit down and actually do a Bible study and not just one of those 5 minute 'quiet time' books that so often don't use much Bible in them.
Personal Hobby- In light of the importance of taking time for oneself, I want to really develop one hobby. I have lots of things that interest me but nothing I actually spend time doing. This should help me to unwind and get refocused.
Family Goals-
Develop a better daily schedule- The kids and I have been trying to follow a loose schedule, but have gotten off track with the holidays. Having a schedule will help us to accomplish more each day.
Character training- We have been doing family devotions for the longest. I would really like to add some character training and teaching the importance of prayer. Above all the children need to learn how to apply what they learn to their lives. Its no good doing a family devotion if they don't apply what they learn.
Its hard to come up with too many resolutions when we don't know what the new year entails for us. Dan has been doing therapy for a few months now but is no where near ready to go back to work. We are still waiting to get a hearing for social security disability, and we are still pushing to get his employer to agree to do something for him. The church paid for our bills this last month and we have started cashing in Dan's small 401K to pay these next two month's bills. Someone suggested I return to work (I haven't worked in over 9 years and have no job skills to get any real job). Can anyone tell I am going through a time of being just plain weary of this?
I am sure that the goals I do have will keep us busy for the year. Lots of prayer will definitely be a part of it, that is for sure!
I'd like to hear more about how you do family devotions, and the character training once you get started.
Applause to you for having regular devotions with your kids! Why don't you have your kids pray specific things with you. You could ask them to please pray that God will help Mom to trust that he wants to take care of her by providing a job and then show them your faith by going through the classified ads or calling businesses you would like to work for to see if they are hiring. Then remind them to thank God with you after you have found one.
Kate-you already have a REAL job-the most important job in the whole world! Keep on hanging on to your Lord and tell that old serpent to "get behind you". Love and Blessings!
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