Monday, July 2, 2007

How do you plan your school year?

I was wondering how people plan their school years. How far ahead and how detailed do you get? I am a horrible planner- I start planning something then get sidetracked into doing something else and never get back to the plans. The of course, since I didn't plan it fully the project never gets done. We do far less around here then I have ideas for that is for sure.
I found the following product- Full Year Notebooks and wondered if there was anyone out there who had experience with it and could tell me what it was like. I amnot one to spend money on something unless I know the product is worth it. Any help would be appreciated.

1 comment:

Family W said...

I usually plan in three-week-blocks. It's painstaking, and very hard the way I do it. I've been using a spreadsheet in Microsoft Word and just plugging in the data to create a type of weekly 'syllabus' which I then put into my kids folders. But, this is so time consuming. I just checked out the Full Year Notebooks site and am definitely interested, but like you, I would love to hear from someone who's already tried it. I'm wondering if there might be a review site or something for it?? God Bless. ---Lynn